Sunday, April 19, 2009
Love bites
Ahan reciprocated the gesture by pulling Zorro's ears and biting him twice. Last night, my son woke up crawling and barking around the bed. I really hope it isn't the dog hair.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Little Dolphins

My parents invited troops of Bihu dancers to perform at our Tezpur home. Our favorite was the group that calls itself Dolphins. The little ones impressed us with their professionalism, talent and percussion. Prince Ahan watched them without blinking his eyes. He later played the drum. Here are some photos:
Fan of fans
Ahan's first Bihu
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I caved
Zorro our hero

Ahan's surrogate mom/dad is a beautiful golden lab named Zorro. We are at my mom's these days waiting for his cold and jetlag to vamoose before moving to the in-laws. I digress, but full-body massages here are $2 (including tip). Yea, I am getting one done everyday, while Ahan hangs out with his new friends. My parents have five labs. He's closest to two: Tintin, the youngest is a ball of energy and Zorro, the mature, protective one, who's ready to attack anyone who comes near the baby. They have developed their own means of communication. Add another one to my son's growing list of languages: assamese, english, asl, bihari and now labarking. Ahan and Zorro bark back and forth softly. Ahan is rough with Zorro, sticking his fist into the two-year old's mouth, trying to pull out his nose and raking his nails into Zorro's belly. I think Zorro tolerates it all in anticipation of the Rs. 550 Monterey Jack cheese that we ferried in an ice case all the way from Delhi, which Ahan generously doles out to his friend at lunch time. Bedtimes are rough for both. Ahan protests vigorously, and Zorro joins in banging the bedroom door and barking up a storm. They work in tandem. When Ahan was really sick two nights ago, Zorro wouldn't budge from his side. This morning, he barked and alerted me to Ahan's rising temperature.
I am hoping to post videos of the two and their lovefest soon.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
hello gauhati!
The crew on board waited on us hand and foot, so that gives me hope that not all are like Continental.I got a nursing pillow and an escort to carry my cabin bags off the plane.
At least two dozen family waited to greet us at the airport. I was paranoid about Ahan getting crowd anxiety, but he decided it was the best time to play the 5-second on each lap game.
Th family loves him because he wants to be held by everyone?! My mom has three maids assigned to entertain him at mealtimes and playtime. They get chocolates everytime he finishes his food. I foresee very difficult times ahead for Saurav and me when we handle these tasks by ourselves in two months. Have I mentioned this before? I sometimes miss my baby.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Adopt us Dems and Republicans.
Jetlagged still
I have been pretty much useless. Maa’s taking care of everything from laundry to gathering and repacking our stuff for our trip to Gauhati tomorrow. Hopefully, we will settle down to a normal routine soon.
Not Really Indian
One of the joys of being home is the drama that surrounds my mom’s entourage of domestic help. The other day, a neighbor rudely woke me up to complain about our driver Dharmender bhaiyya, who shares his name with a famous Bollywood hero. D bhaiyya had illegally erected a reserved sign for a parking spot for our car in the resident’s lot. The fellow seems pretty proud about the achievement and bullied anyone who dared occupy that space. My mom hates confrontations and happily delegated the problem to her sleep deprived, clueless daughter. I chastised our driver, apologized to the neighbor and went back to catch up on my sleep. When I woke up, a very unhappy bhaiyya complained about my interference. “You should have just said you don’t live here,” he said. “To survive in
I told him what he did wasn’t right, and bullying doesn’t earn respect. I was relishing my preaching, but he bust my bubble and said. “Aap toh Amrikan ban gaye hain.” (you have become an American). I didn't know if that was a compliment or rebuke.
I wish he had met my co-passenger on Continental--the aunty with the “loose” American daughter, who certified me as the model Indian woman for hugging my baby to my chest and nursing him despite being without food or sleep through the 14.5-hour journey here.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Home is where the good stuff is
She did the same this time. Except they came to me. Two girls were called in for the pampering show. I spent the whole day getting head and body massages, facial, pedicure, waxing, threading and all the good stuff. The bill? $11 including tip. How cool is that?
I saw Ahan only when he wanted to nurse. He loves the driver who calls him Baba and speaks to him in Hindi. I think he understands Hindi more than English, Assamese or ASL. Ahan hardly ate anything yesterday. Maa thought he needed a good Indian meal. He thought otherwise. In the evening we scurried a market frequented by foreigners, and bought some avocados and cheese. I finally saw him smile at dinner time when he saw his favorite food.
Reaquainting with Aita
Finally home
The best thing about India is service. We breezed through immigration, where I caught a baffled officer asking his colleague about Guatemala's location, while stamping an entry on a co passenger's passport. Once at the luggage belt, nicely dressed men offered to help for a few dollars when they are actually required by law to do it for free. My stingy Indian side kicked in, I bargained them down to 100 rupees and they escorted me to my mother's arms and into the grime, sweat and crowded streets of Delhi.
Counting minutes to see maa
The fairer sex not so fair
bassinet seat back. With a sleeping baby in arm, I tried grabbing the attendants' attention. After being ignored three times, and told twice that I would have to do it on my own, I pled my case to the two male passengers. They had given my seat away to an elderly aunty, who needed her legs propped because of a knee surgery. The men obliged. One of them had a left a 10-month baby in Virginia and said he felt my pain. He helped carry my stuff from the old seat and got me set up. Despite repeated requests I didn't get dinner. The bassinet came hours later. But befor I could fit Ahan in or ask for instructions on how to use it, they left. Of course Ahan didn't fit into it, and spend the rest of the journey sleeping on mamma's lap. Note to self, never travel Continental with a baby unless you've befriended one of the crew members.
P.S. a flight atendant looked at me af if I were a dunce for giving up my seat for nursing. "Why didn't you go to the bathroom to nurse?" she asked. "People do it there all the time."
Reallly? During take off?
On board mis-adventures
I requested a stewardess to reseat me for takeoff near an empty seat, preferable next to a woman. She said that would mean surrendering my bassinet. Wanting to handle one crisis at a time, I agreed to that and relocated a couple rows behind. The nursing helped, and once we took off Ahan lulled into sleep. But dinner came with bright lights and a chatty crew, waking him up again. I had to abandon my food and nurse and rock him again until the lights went out.
First taste of home
Leaving home
Help came from unexpected quarters. A TSA employee tipped us that he qualified, and thankfully another trip to the Continental counter got us the psuedo boarding pass and through security. After that it was all a blur. We fed an overstimulated, restless baby sans any contraption, changed his diaper while he declared mutiny and rushed to board the plane.