Thursday, April 2, 2009

On board mis-adventures

Getting into the plane was just the first hurdle. Ahan cried some more as we elbowed our way to our seat. I tried rocking him while stowing away my cabin and diaper bags. Maybe nursing would have helped, but they seated two men next to me, and that didn't go down well with a baby who's on a "I don't like strange men" phase.
I requested a stewardess to reseat me for takeoff near an empty seat, preferable next to a woman. She said that would mean surrendering my bassinet. Wanting to handle one crisis at a time, I agreed to that and relocated a couple rows behind. The nursing helped, and once we took off Ahan lulled into sleep. But dinner came with bright lights and a chatty crew, waking him up again. I had to abandon my food and nurse and rock him again until the lights went out.