Thursday, April 2, 2009

Leaving home

Before we left for the airport, we spent the morning saying goodbye to friends, stocking up the refrigerator for Iku and weighing, unpacking and repacking our luggage. The ride to Newark went smooth, and once at the airport, Ahan sported his Gemini charms chatting up co passengers while we hung out in the queue waiting for our turn to check in. His magic worked on everyone except the Continental employee who declined a guest pass so Iku could escort us to the gate. She did give me a seat with more legroom, ok'd a bassinet and granted some extra pounds on the luggage.
Help came from unexpected quarters. A TSA employee tipped us that he qualified, and thankfully another trip to the Continental counter got us the psuedo boarding pass and through security. After that it was all a blur. We fed an overstimulated, restless baby sans any contraption, changed his diaper while he declared mutiny and rushed to board the plane.

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